Opportunities for Writers – October 2023

Opportunities for Writers – October 2023

作家的十大网赌平台推荐,包括作家会议,研讨会,比赛,和提交. Updated 10/6/2022.

Submit your opportunity to mail@cookbookss.com. Submit your opportunity by the 1st of the month to ensure it is included.

Have a short story, poem or other work you’re just dying to share?  Check out these publications, workshop and contest opportunities.  

*Advice on Writing Contests:  

When considering contests, 看看他们是如何处理往届获奖者的作品的:是否有往届获奖者的名单? Where you can go to read or have access to the winning pieces of writing? Who are the judges? Are they people who you would read yourself? If you win, what kind of audience would you receive for your work? Research contests and their reputations online. Use places like duotrope.com, Poets and Writers (pw.org), the New Pages (newpages.com), or The Review Review (thereviewreview.net), to see whether there is any other information about the contest from other sources.

NewPage Big List of Writing Contests

The Big List of Writing Contests features a comprehensive list of magazine contests, book contests, chapbook contests, writing contests, audio contests, video contests, and competitions from independent publishers, literary magazines, alternative magazines, creative writing programs, and writing conferences and festivals. If you are interested in contests for young writers, check out our Young Writers Guide to Contests. You can view more information about currently open contests here.

October Contests!

Heroines Festival & Anthology DEADLINE EXTENDED

The Heroines Anthology collects writing about women, written by women.
Volume 5 of Heroines Anthology is a GLOBAL POETRY EDITION
Submission is open to women poets from around the world.
We invite submissions of poetry that reimagines women in myth, fairy tale, folklore or legend, or poems that tell women’s lost histories, or untold stories. 

All submissions are considered for the HEROINES WOMEN’S WRITING PRIZE

Westchester Review

(Katita Miller, Automatic Drawing #16)

We are a literary magazine based in Westchester County, NY but not limited to that in our readers/writers. While we used to focus on Westchester writers when we launched in print in 2007, we have vastly expanded our reach and contributor base and, since the pandemic, are published fully online with an audience around the world. We launch four seasonal issues a year with a carefully curated array of short stories, creative nonfiction, 10-min plays and poetry. 
We specifically want to encourage submissions on the prose end of things right now — fiction and essays -并希望您能将此信息和传单与您的学生/观众分享,他们可能会在这些类型中写作. 
我们的提交门户的打开和关闭取决于我们的需要/在各种类型的截止日期, with all the guidelines in the submit link below. We charge no submission fees for work to be considered and welcome your interest. 

Our fall issue: http://www.westchesterreview.com

Submit Here

11 Literary Magazines Accepting Writing and Art from Teens

Check out the link here!

Pen to Paper Writing Group

What we’re about

We write. We share. We live.
Pen to Paper is Indy’s most notorious coterie of misfit writers.
What We Do
In its simplest form, we write stuff, share it with each other, and talk about it. Of course, to organize this effort requires a few rules, a calendar, and a sextant.
We critique each others written material and provide creative support, constructive criticism, and sage advice.
Who May Join
If you write, you may join. Hell, even if you don’t write, give us a whirl, as long as you provide us with homemade cookies and lemonade.
We accept people at all skill levels, from the doe-eyed novice to the curmudgeonly expert.
If you want to write or improve your writing, then you’ve come to the right place.
We critique all manner of writing, be it fiction, non-fiction, poetry, travelogues, erotica, technical manuals … if it has words, we’ll read it.
So, You Want to Join
Follow these simple steps to initiate yourself into our mysteries:
1) Check out the Newbies page on our website at http://www.pentopaperblog.org/newbies-start-here/
2) Check out our guiding principles on our website at http://www.pentopaperblog.org/rules-of-write-club/
3) Come to a meeting.

It’s really that simple. For what are you waiting? An incorrectly placed preposition?
Note: It may appear from the RSVP’s that attendance is sparse. That is not really the case. We’ve been around so long that members rarely RSVP anymore.

Formerly known as Crazyhorseswamp pink publishes fiction, poetry, and nonfiction on a semi-monthly basis.

Poems receive $40 each, and we pay $0.05 a word for prose. Maximum payout for accepted work is $200.

Submissions of fiction and nonfiction can be up to 7,500 words in length. 我们已经发表了超出这个范围的杰出作品,但这是不寻常的. For poetry, please submit a set of 3-6 poems. We accept simultaneous submissions for all genres. More specific guidelines for each genre can be found below.

It typically takes us 12-16 weeks to respond to submissions.

Young Writers: Watermelon University Open for Enrollment!

Each month on a Saturday, 年轻的学者们被邀请到印第安纳波利斯公共图书馆与西瓜教授和斯玛特先生见面. For three adventurous hours, the class dives into a themed topic, like a mythical forest, a spooky town or a harvest garden. 选择这些有趣的场景是为了激发丰富的思想和话题,供青年学者培养和利用,作为创造性写作和绘画的跳板. 年轻的学者通过使用杜威十进制系统和其他在图书馆找到的有价值的工具/资源来研究他们的主题. These academic skills are presented in a FUN and creative way, while children make stories, make art and make friends!

Learn more and sign up!

Speed City Sisters in Crime

We have opened submissions to our chapter’s ninth short story anthology, to be published in November of 2023 in time for our chapter’s 20th anniversary in 2024.

Submissions are open to all who are Speed City chapter members in 2022/2023.

Attached to this email are the complete submission guidelines for our new publication.

Title: Amber Waves of Graves
Editors: Lillie Evans, Tony Perona and Stephen Terrell
Theme: Rural settings, country graveyards and small-town life in Indiana can be beautiful. And deadly.

The complete submission guidelines are also available online on our website.

The Flying Island

Flying Island, 印第安纳作家中心的在线文学期刊接受印第安纳居民和与印第安纳有重要联系的人的滚动投稿.

  • Fiction: up to 5,000 words
  • Nonfiction: up to 3,500 words
  • Poetry: up to three poems, no more than 50 lines each.

Visit the journal and submit your work.

Please follow this link to carefully read their guidelines 并提交你最好的作品-竞争将是非凡的,因为他们已经有一些非常知名的作家的关键作品.

More than a publication; a community.

《十大网赌平台推荐》是一本文学和艺术出版物,以来自美国中西部各地的人才为特色, including writers, artists, photographers, videographers, musicians, and everything in between. It is a celebration of the thriving creative spirit within our wonderful community.
Currently seeking submissions for themed releases:

“Fall” Submissions open through 9/15/2022

For more information on these themes visit our submissions page.

Old Iron Press open to submissions!

Old Iron Press 一个由女性领导的小型媒体是致力于经典改编和新声音创新吗. Existing apart from traditional publishing with an entirely different set of values, we are focused on originality over sales. 

Submissions for our inaugural anthology, “Playing Authors,” will go live on May 1, 2022 and run until October 1, 2022. Selected contributors will receive one free contributor copy and an honorarium..

Inspired by the classic game of Authors, originally published in 1861, we are asking what it means to be an author—and an Author.

For more information, visit our submission guidelines at www.oldironpress.com.

The Paper 24-7.com accepting articles

We are two small local newspapers – one in Crawfordsville and the other in Noblesville. 我们在克劳弗兹维尔有一份电子周日版,与过去的报纸类似——专门报道食物, health, home, etc. We also have a Voices section and get submissions from writers from all over.

How to submit for Sunday Voices:

E-mail your article to Tim Timmons at ttimmons@thepaper24-7.com. Do not attach the article, simply include it in the body of the e-mail. 还包括一个简短的个人介绍和jpeg照片,并注意你同意萨加莫尔新闻媒体发表你的作品. Although SNM does not pay for submissions, 我们确实有付费的周日读者,你的作品将在我们的流通基地和我们的网站上发布. SNM does not accept third-party submissions. Each one must come from the author.

Authors Publish 32 Magazines that Publish Flash Fiction

These magazines publish flash fiction; a few also publish micros. Many of them publish longer work too, as well as other genres, like nonfiction and poetry. Most, but not all, of these are open for submissions now. They are a mix of genre and literary outlets, and listed in no particular order.

Authors Publish 5 Paying Literary Magazines

These magazines pay for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. They are a mix of literary and genre markets.

Inked Voices

A Platform for Writing Groups and an Online Space for Writers

With Inked Voices, 写作小组和工作坊可以密切合作,尽管距离遥远,时间表奇怪. We are not a giant critique forum, but a collection of small workshopping communities.

Join the community and check out the plans

The Glacier: Poetry for the Coming Ice Age now Accepting Submissions

The Glacier is an online literary magazine based out of Indiana University South Bend. 该杂志正在接受诗歌、视觉艺术和小说的创刊号投稿.

Curated by poet and artist David Dodd Lee and managed by editor and poet Austin Veldman, The Glacier is a sister press to both 42 Miles Press and Twyckenham Notes, both also of South Bend, Indiana.

We seek the best art possible. Accepted work will be presented in a clean online aesthetic. For an idea about how your work will be presented, please visit the latest issue of Twyckenham Notes.

Indiana Pandemic Poetry Project

COVID-19 has created a time in history like no other; students, specifically, have faced many unique challenges because of this. With this poetry project, 我们希望对我们在国内所面临的考验和时间进行集体反思, as we work towards the end of the Pandemic together.

Indiana students in the years of study of 4th-12th grade or the undergraduate, graduate, or doctorate levels are all welcome to submit one original poem.

Storm Cellar: A Literary Journal of Safety and Danger

Storm Cellar is a nationally distributed, independent literary arts magazine rooted in the Midwest, appearing in print and ebook editions. This is a journal of safety and danger. 我们需要你的散文、诗歌、幻想和想法,写在公共汽车和火车车厢的信封上. The magazine aims to publish amazing work by new and established writers and artists, present a range of styles and approaches, and cure (not merely displace) boredom. If you write one thing to be read while waiting for the all-clear to sound, send it here.

-La Libreta- Open for Submissions

-La Libreta- is published online three times each year. 我们出版来自布朗克斯及其他地区的跨代有色人种作家和艺术家的作品,这些作家和艺术家被认为是女性.

– December 1st deadline – for publication on January 30
– April 1st deadline – for publication on May 30
– August 1st deadline – for publication on September 30

Please read and follow submission guidelines. 

Cutleaf Journal Open to Submissions

Cutleaf publishes a new issue twice a month. 我们欢迎来自知名和新兴作家的原创散文(包括创造性的非小说和小说)和诗歌. 

Work published online in Cutleaf may be chosen for inclusion in the print Cutleaf Reader.

You can find updated submission guidelines here.

Acre Books open to submissions

Acre Books, the book-publishing offshoot of The Cincinnati Review, aims to build on the excellence that its parent publication has become known for. Like CR, our small press will focus on surprising, imaginative, and absorbing works—of poetry, fiction, literary nonfiction, and hybrid forms—that are expertly crafted and beautifully polished, and that engage readers aesthetically as well as emotionally. We are devoted in particular to finding, and bringing to a broad readership, remarkably talented newcomers. Initially we will bring out 6 titles annually, but we intend in the coming years to expand our lists and our staff. Visit our home page to subscribe to our mailing list.

Acre’s titles are distributed by the CDC (Chicago Distribution Center).

Submit here.

The American Poetry Review Seeks Submissions

Seeking poetry submissions, submissions for first book prize, and prose writing related to poetry such as book reviews and interviews. Visit them on Submittable to learn more.

Seeking Submissions for Meditation Anthologies

Hazelden Publishing是成瘾康复和自助资源的领先出版商. Part of the?Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, the nation’s largest nonprofit treatment provider, 我们提供各种可访问和改变生活的材料-从日常冥想到循证项目. 

In the past, our meditation-a-day format books have been written by a single author. Now, 我们正在利用一年365天的十大网赌平台推荐来扩大我们可以提升和认可的声音的数量.?The more people who hear about the call for submissions, the more inclusive, reflective of the community, and useful the final books will be.  

Complete information about How We Heal: Meditations for Reclaiming Our Voices from Addiction and Sexual Trauma is available here: http://www.hazelden.org/store/publicpage/meditations-anthology-writing-detail 

Complete information about Leave No One Behind: Daily Meditations for Service Members and Veterans in Recovery is available here: http://www.hazelden.org/store/publicpage/meditations-anthology-writing-leave-no-one-behind 

Washington Post Seeking Op-eds

In our effort to bring in more voices from across America, 《十大最好的网赌平台》的评论部希望听取来自不同背景的作者的意见, interests and outlooks. The one constant should be that they are good writers with strong viewpoints, and value facts and reasoned argument over invective. We’ll welcome one-off submissions, or pieces on breaking news events that we solicit, but we also hope that some writers will develop into regular contributors.

《十大最好的网赌平台》的接受门槛很高:我们收到了大量的专栏文章,但版面有限, 因此,即使是有价值的专栏文章,如果不能满足我们目前的需求,也可能不会被接受. 但我们为全国各地的专栏文章提供了一个指定的地点确实增加了你的投稿在这里找到立足之地的可能性. (A good target length for op-eds is 750-800 words.)

Here are some examples of writing that would fit into this category. As you can see, the range of topics is broad – political, personal, analytical, humorous, legal, business-oriented, you name it. 把他们联系在一起的是,他们不是来自华盛顿、大学、智库或其他常见的观点文章来源. 他们带来了第一手的经验或实地的知识,这些知识对作者来说可能是当地的,但很容易引起各地读者的兴趣.

额外提示:最好将稿件以附件和粘贴的形式发送(在邮件中阅读速度最快), but if there are links within the text, they convert more easily from a document).

Send op-eds to Mark Lasswell, Mark.Lasswell@washpost.com

Write for Sixty Inches from Center

六十欢迎所有经验水平的作家和艺术家,为传统和实验艺术写作主题提出想法, and practices that are relevant to the cultural landscapes of the Midwest.

Priority will be given to writing by, about, and for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ artists, artists with disabilities, and the long list of writing, art-making, 以及在关于艺术和文化的主流对话和规范中被忽视的文化实践. We publish writing, photography, art, archive materials, video, and conversations that are thoughtful, generative, experimental, and relatable to a variety of readers.

Once a pitch is accepted, writers have full and free access to our editors, transcribers, translators, photographers, and illustrators to support the creation and completion of the final piece.

To see what type of articles they publish and other guidelines, visit the link.

Driftwood Press Submissions Open

John Updike once said, “Creativity is merely a plus name for regular activity. Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right, or better.“在Driftwood Press,我们正在积极寻找那些关心做得好或更好的艺术家. Driftwood Press is a bi-annual literary magazine founded in Tampa, FL in 2013.

As of 2018, 我们向投稿者支付稿酬(见费率指南).

在Driftwood Press,我们正在积极寻找那些关心如何做得更好的艺术家. 我们很高兴收到您的作品,并将努力为您带来最好的诗集, novellas, graphic novels, short fiction, poetry, graphic narrative, photography, art, interviews, and contests.]

Visit their website for more information and to submit your work.

Extinction Rebellion Creative Hub Open for Submissions

Welcome to the Extinction Rebellion Creative Hub: an anthology of songs, fiction and poetry that’s inspiring, meaningful and original, and that reflects the principles, concerns and values of the Extinction Rebellion from a global, regional or local perspective.

This collection is a voice and a resource for Extinction Rebellion members everywhere, and a contribution to the global XR profile in the wider world.

Find out more and submit your work.

Submissions open in all genres!

For submissions, email: submissions@blankcoverpress.com 

McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: A Force Outside Myself: Citizens Over 60 Speak

Deadline: Rolling
If you are 60 or older, 我们现在对你的想法很感兴趣,希望你能写一个简短的第一人称叙述. (100-500 words) Send entries to Kitania Folk at aforce@mcsweeneys.net and watch our site for ongoing updates.

Awakenings Review Seeks Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, Photography, and Art

Established in 2000, The Awakenings Review is an annual lit mag committed to publishing poetry, short story, nonfiction, photography, and art by writers, poets and artists who have a relationship with mental illness: either self, family member, or friend. Our striking hardcopy publication is one of the nation’s leading journals of this genre. Creative endeavors and mental illness have long had a close association. The Awakenings Review publishes works derived from artists’, writers’, and poets’ experiences with mental illness, though mental illness need not be the subject of your work. Visit www.AwakeningsProject.org for submission guidelines.

Complete Guide to 2022 Artist Grants & Opportunities

A list of the top international open calls, residencies, fellowships, and awards that we believe will benefit artists during the upcoming year! The complete list is broken down into six categories: grants, residencies & fellowships, calls-for-entry, publications, COVID relief funds, and opportunity sites.

这个列表将在全年更新,所以一定要把这个页面收藏起来,经常回来看看. View the list.

Poets & Writers: New Writing Contest Deadlines!

For information regarding writing contests and deadlines: Go Here

WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE YOUR OPPORTUNITY LISTED HERE? Email the details to: mail@cookbookss.com

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